Last August 21, 2009, the Catholic Faith Defenders Inc- University of Southeastern Philippines Chapter (CFD-USEP) with the help of Basic Ecclesial Community and Youth For Christ conducted a catholic doctrine seminar to roughly fifty (50) students at USEP-Mintal campus. The USEP-Mintal students were members of FAITH which stands for Flock of Active Individual Towards Holiness. The event was the upshoot of request encounter with their valiant active organization adviser Prof. Clarita Patayon to Bro. Ryan R. Mejillano of CFD-USEP three (3) weeks before the said seminar. Very instrumental with the encounter was the ever active FAITH member Ms. Jane Santander who happens to be a co-member in a church organization Angeli Domini (Angels of the Lord) @ Immaculate Conception Parish Mintal, Davao City. The event was spearheaded by their active president Ms. Ayeshia.
Help was on the way when Prof. Patayon asked for bible studies to be conducted in their organization by the Catholic Faith Defenders USEP-Obrero Chapter.
First encounter was on the birthday of Bro. Colin Santander, the current SSG president of USEP-Mintal Campus (younger bro of Jane Santander). While Colin is the SSG president, Jane is the current SK Chairwoman in Brgy. Mintal too. That day was graced in their house and I had the chance of inviting the BEC President (Marvin Mangayan) CFD President Arthur Agullana and YFC President Carl Mosqueda to meet the FAITH officers on which Jane and Colin are members. The round table meeting was shared with different experiences about how the catholic faith was being attacked by protestant groups penetrated in USEP-Mintal campus.
So it was on August 21, 2009 that the FAITH group scheduled their long overdue bible enhancement seminar (as they fondly called but actually its Catholic Doctrine Seminar by nature). It was participated by almost 50 plus students who are eager to know the rudiments of the catholic faith, to prepare themselves in defending the holy faith which was once and for all delivered to us by the saints (Jude 1:3).
For the information of the readers, there are three (3) catholic organizations in USEP-Obrero Campus, namely Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC), Catholic Faith Defenders Inc. (CFD), and Youth For Christ (YFC). The CFD and YFC are under the umbrella of BECommunity with their respective activities in harmony with the three. BEC is responsible for the house rules inside the chapel, celebration of the Eucharistic sacrifice, recitation of the Holy Rosary every noon time and angelus. CFD is task to do the doctrinal exposition of the Catholic Faith and staunchly defends the Holy Faith from protestant proliferation and attacks. YFC caters the filial camaraderie of the youth by conducting series of fellowship and bridging gaps to all levels by their music and personal experience with the Lord. Unity in diversity is one of the trademarks of genuine catholicity of the True Church of Jesus Christ.
An hour before the seminar, Prof. Clarita Patayon instructing the students
The FAITH Org adviser Prof. Clarita Patayon gives an inspirational message to the students on the importance of living a catholic way in the University. Prof. Clarita teaches Mathematics and Statistics subjects. She is a woman of faith. In fact, she is the head of Lectors and commentators in her parish where she is serving.
the students attentively listening to the talk
National Holiday is converted into holiday with the Lord (“,)
From left to right Bro. Arthur Agullana Jr. CFD-USEP president, Bro. Ryan R. Mejillano and Dr. Clarita Patayon
Bro. Gabriel Angelo Tagi (CFD-USEP Vice-Pres. External) elucidates the first topic “The Unity and the Trinity of God”. This guy is barely 19 years old, 3rd year Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Technology and Livelihood Education. SSG president and Corpse Commander in his high school days, Academic president in his course org too. He lives in Malita, Davao del Sur.
Bro. Jess Vargas in his hot debated topic in school “Salvation by Faith Alone?” He is 19 years old and 3rd year Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering student. This guy has a sharp mind and razor type of asking questions to his opponents. A CFD-USEP lecturer at the same time the Vice-President for Internal (BEC).
Bro. Arthur Agullana Jr., 18 years old, 3rd year Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering student exposes the doctrine “The One True Church”. A leader born from Matanao Davao del Sur. He is the incumbent CFD-USEP President and the Overall President of USEP Religious Campus organization. Though a valedictorian graduate, he humbles himself in the name of service. A prayerful person (knows how to recite the rosary in full latin version) with a deep sense of love of the Church.
Bro. Roman Morata III valiantly elucidates the connection between the sacrificial nature of Jesus Christ on the cross and the salvific effects of it through the 7 Sacraments. A guy who used to be a cartoonist in the University periodicals (Collegiate Headlight) and an active choir member, he is also fond of playing guitar. He is a graduating student of Bachelor of Arts Major in English.
Bro. Louie Juera gives the rudiments of Mariology mostly misunderstood by non-catholics. He is 17 years old and a 2nd year student from College of Engineering Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering. He is a youth leader (SK Chairman) in his native Malalag Municipality, with an innate sense of eloquence when giving colloquy to his fellow students.
Bro. Marvin Mangayan, 19 years old and a 3rd year Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering student fiercely articulated the Eschatology in General or The Four Last Things. He is currently the BEC-President and Vice-President for Campus Ministries Organization. This guy is very dedicated in his service with the Lord. His group is the main responsible for weekly and special masses in the University.
After the lectures were given, an open forum “no holds bar questions” is done to satisfy the spiritual and intellectual hunger of the attendees.
Bro. Marvin answers the texted question of biblical foundation of Purgatory
Bro. Hubert Gumanay, 17 years old and a 2nd year Geodetic Engineering student, serves as the moderator of the Q & A portion. This guy is one of the YFC (of course a BEC & CFD member too) leaders with a deep sense of priestly vocation.
From left to right Bro. Felix Flores (2nd year Geodetic Engineering), Bro. Hubert Gumanay, Sis. Maria Charmaine Regulacion (1st year BSED Major in Mathematics), Bro. Jess Vargas (BS-ECE 3rd year), Bro. Louie Juera (2nd year BS-ECE) and Bro. Arthur Agullana Jr. (BS-CE 3rd year) with their pose @ the Registrars office in USEP-Mintal Campus (25 kilometers away from USEP-Main Obrero Campus)
A smile of success after the seminar.
Guys, be fruitful. As St. Paul says, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the FAITH” (2 Tim. 4:7).
Pro Deo et Ecclesia.! Soar high BECians! CFD's! YFC's!