We frequently hear from Catholic Apologists the saying that “Sometimes the best defense is offense” these three step method of debunking the Protestant doctrine of Sola Scriptura is both an Offense and Defense in the hand of a Catholic Apologist.
The easiest way to stun a Protestant in the middle of a conversation about doctrines is to play dumb, don’t try to ask obvious tricky questions instead ask him simple definitions.
During a conversation with a pastor I tried to play dumb I asked him questions like what do you mean by “Faith alone, grace, faith etc.” Asking him these types of questions made him believed that I was innocent about Christian doctrines, this turns off his defensive mode to offensive mode, making himself and his position vulnerable to my hard hitting questions.
Sensing that he is now vulnerable and over confident, I was quick to use the three step method of debunking Sola Scriptura.
I asked him to define Sola Scriptura.
And his reply was “The phrase sola scriptura is from the Latin: sola having the idea of "alone," "ground," "base," and the word scriptura meaning "writings" - referring to the Scriptures. Sola scriptura means that Scripture alone is authoritative for the faith and practice of the Christian. The Bible is complete, authoritative, and true. "All Scripture is 'God breathed' (given of inspiration of God) and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness..." (2 Timothy 3:16)
Since I had him to answer this type of question he had no single idea that this is a trap question.
After he answered my question, I asked another question; what are the criteria used by the early Christians to determine which Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and should be included in the Bible?
Again without a single idea that I was trying to trap him he answered the question quoting from the book of John Schwarz “A Handbook of the Christian Faith” He said three criteria;
The authors had to have had apostolic credentials or have enjoyed a close association with an apostle, such as Mark with Peter and Luke with Paul.
The writings had to be consistent with the church’s teachings about Jesus.
The Writings had to have had church-wide acceptance and usage.
These are the criteria used by the early Christians to know which Scripture is inspired and must be a part of the Bible.
What I love about arguments is when your opponent doesn’t know what will hit them, after carefully setting him up I am now ready to drop the last and final blow to him.
My last question is, base on the principle of Sola Scriptura as you said lately when you defined Sola Scriptura, where in the Bible can you find these three criteria in determining which Scripture is inspired and should be part of the Bible?
Try to guess what his answer is, none. He tried to change the topic by saying “The apostles believed in Sola Scriptura they were using the Old Testament when they preach”, sensing that he is trapped I kept on pinning him on my question, until he gave up and honestly said “that is a very tough and unusual question, give me some time to look it up and get back to you”
Good luck on looking it up three years have pass but until now I never heard from him again he didn’t even try to answer the question.
On the third question he has only three ways to answer the question;
A.) Quote passages from the bible. If he did this it would be a self refuting preposition since he has yet to prove that the scripture is inspired by God, thus quoting from the Bible is a fallacy and a major blunder in an argument.
B.) Shoot arrows to the moon by saying that it is God who determines which Scripture is inspired and early Christians are the only one’s who gathered what God has already determine. Why bother to answer question number two and quote from the book about the criteria if God is the one who determines it?
C.) The criteria are set by the early Christians to know which book is inspired. If he chose to answer these it would be the same as saying that an outside Biblical authority was the one who discern which scripture is inspired, therefore destroying the very fabric of the Doctrine Sola Scriptura. So far so good most Protestant friends and pastors that I encountered when I used these steps they didn’t answer any of the three choices they choose to change the topic.
To use this technique pretend that you know nothing or wanting to know something, by doing so your Protestant friend will turn off his defensive mode making him/her vulnerable to your trap. And don’t let him/her change the topic stick to the three step method;
Let him define Sola Scriptura
Ask him about the criteria used by the early Christians to determine which scripture is inspired and should be a part of the Bible.
And lastly, ask him basing on the principle of Sola Scriptura where in the Bible can you find the criteria used by the early Christians to determine which Scripture is inspired and should be a part of the Bible.
If properly executed your Protestant friend has nowhere to go its either he will answer the question with foolish answers or admit that an outside Biblical authority the Church is responsible for discerning which scripture is inspired and should be part of the Bible, either/or Sola Scriptura is already destroyed.
REFERENCE: thesplendorofthechurch.blogspot.com
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