Amid the anti-Catholic sentiment in the media of today, please express your fidelity to the Vicar of Christ on earth in this hour when he is unjustly attacked. Pray for our beloved Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, that God may continue to grant him an abundance of spiritual wisdom and strength to guide the Barque of Peter through the difficult waters of our times.
Desiring to show our filial support and gratitude to our Holy Father, the Institute of Christ the King wishes to offer an abundant spiritual bouquet to His Holiness. Your prayers are needed! To participate in this spiritual bouquet, please use our online form below. Simply indicate the number and types of prayers you wish to offer. This spiritual bouquet will then be presented directly to His Holiness.

We especially encourage your prayers and sacrifices during a special Novena beginning on Saturday, April 24, 5th anniversary of the inauguration of Pope Benedict XVI, through May 2, which is the first Sunday of the month of Mary, Mother of the Church. During this Novena in support of His Holiness, we will also celebrate on May 1 the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, Patron of the Universal Church and lifelong namesake patron of our Holy Father.
May God bless you for your prayers and sacrifices on behalf of His Vicar on earth.
To Participate in this Gift of Spiritual Bouquet to His Holiness please visit this site:
post from: http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/
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